discipling nations

Connect is a community of diverse, passionate followers of Jesus, who want to see the world
transformed by the good news of the Kingdom.

Our members’ callings are as diverse and unique as they are, ranging from art to business, farming to orphanage work, caring for the sick to church planting.


Connect’s 35-year history is a shining example of the faithfulness of God as we’ve pressed into His purposes to bring His love to difficult places. Since our establishment in 1987 in Hong Kong by a team wanting to work in business and education in China, we have seen God’s hand in our many ventures– leading us, in the first 10-15 years, to establish several businesses and nonprofits as well as provide teachers and students to a number of universities across China and Mongolia.

Since then, we have moved our registration to the U.S., established our leadership team in Thailand, and expanded to other areas in South East Asia and the Middle East.

We are now represented in 8 different countries, working as teachers, artists, NGO staff, business people, agriculturalists, and foster home parents. At times, leadership changes have brought strain, but always we have been led through these challenges with grace and purpose. Forgiveness has flowed as we have pressed into the Father’s heart with transparency and openness.

Celebrating both our victories and our failures, we continue to move forward and invite others to join us on our purposeful pursuit of God’s heart for all the nations of this world.

why join connect?


Do you have a heart to serve Jesus, a passion or a calling on your life?


Do you have a location or people group you long to serve but you desire to be part of a family where you are known, supported, and encouraged in both your calling and your walk with Jesus?


We envision a world where every person has been impacted by the message of Jesus and presented with the opportunity to understand who He is and be able to follow Him.


Connect launches, equips, and sustains our members as they engage in God’s transforming work among the nations. We aim to see each uniquely gifted individual and strong families flourishing in health and operating in thriving communities where they can grow in maturity, be equipped for ministry, and bring lasting Kingdom influence to society. We work together towards unity and mutuality, partnering with other churches and organizations, and championing local leadership.


We envision a world where every person has been impacted by the message of Jesus and presented with the opportunity to understand who He is and be able to follow Him.


Connect launches, equips, and sustains our members as they engage in God’s transforming work among the nations. We aim to see each uniquely gifted individual and strong families flourishing in health and operating in thriving communities where they can grow in maturity, be equipped for ministry, and bring lasting Kingdom influence to society. We work together towards unity and mutuality, partnering with other churches and organizations, and championing local leadership.

core values


modeling Jesus






Celebrating, glorifying, and enjoying Jesus.


Taking ownership for personal growth, proactively and intentionally; engaging in areas where Jesus is calling for change.

modeling Jesus

Humbly adopting the servant heart of Jesus as we lay our lives down to see our world changed, God’s kingdom built, and nations discipled.


Honesty, trustworthiness, generous stewardship, consistency in choosing the higher (and sometimes) more costly road in following Jesus.


Real faith, real life, in the real world. Choosing to live vulnerable and transparent lives.


Encouraging, supporting, holding each other accountable; courageously and authentically walking with one another.


To put it bluntly, I’m not sure that I would still be in Cambodia without Connect.
They understand what emotional and spiritual care I need in order to thrive away from my family, native culture and language. I saw Connect’s core values and culture lived out in the support, encouragement and accountability they challenged their people to embrace. In Connect I saw a place where it was OK to not be OK, but it was not OK to stay that way.

Sue Hanna
Executive Founder of Flame Cambodia

When we first met with the Connect leadership, we felt loved, understood and excited. Connect were happy to meet us where we were at (spiritually and emotionally), and join us on the journey to see where God wanted us to go. We feel that we can be completely honest, and be met with love and support. It feels like we are now part of a global family who enjoys spending time together, whilst working towards the same missional goal.

Serving in a closed country

By God’s grace I was able to stay 20 years in Mongolia. The Lord placed me into a great team and organization that cared, really cared for its members in the field. Through Connect I learned that ‘mission’ is not about projects, although they are important, but ‘mission’ is about relationships. Our foundation, to reach out to others, is our relationship to the Lord. I am deeply grateful for all these years, for my friends in Connect who have ‘reached out to me’ with their kindness, love and support and for friendships with the people who I still carry in my heart.

Gabi Wanke
Served in Mongolia for 20 years

As a business owner and family consultant, one of unique things that I love most about Connect is that involvement in all various spheres of society is valued and championed – there is no certain project or “right” method to building the Kingdom! Connect roots people in authentic community, identifies their dreams, vocation and gifting, and then equips and supports them to walk that out in an emotionally and spiritually healthy way.

Serving in a closed country

Being part of Connect has meant for me personally that I know that I have people who are really tracking with me, interested in who I am, who I am becoming and helping me to grow and to thrive in the place that I feel called to. Connect is an important part of my growth journey and has profoundly impacted the person that I am today.

Serving in a closed country


Your gift allows us to provide quality resourcing to our members that are vitally important, as they serve in difficult locations sharing the Good News.

tax deductible

Connect is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under EIN-20-8605603. Contributions to Connect are tax deductible to United States taxpayers.

comments? questions? please send us a message

New full website coming in 2024.  Check back soon.